Mytherine - Epic Death Metal from Berlin, Germany

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The first gig

Flyer - Sprungbrett Werk9 - 2014-06-07This saturday, June 7th, we will finally have our very first gig at Werk9 together with Gentrification, End In Disaster and Hespera. Go to event-page
We have been preparing for the last weeks and this eve it is time for the final rehearsal. We are very excited and are looking forward to a great event. Hope to see lots of you in the crowd!


EOHE-coverRaven Tongue shortly participated in a side-project of Tokks Voitto‘s drummer Maurice called EOHE. The result is an EP with 7 tracks of some technical and groovy death metal.

Maurice wrote the songs including lyrics, played the drums (obviously) and the rythm guitar and completely produced, mixed and mastered all songs in a total time of only 4 weeks! Sascha did the vocals, designed a logo and created a cover artwork for the EP. Other musicians took care of guitar solos and the bass guitar parts. We are still impressed by the outcome of that really speedy project. Check out the whole EP on soundcloud now!

New website online

And here it is – our very first full-fledged website for you. From now on you won’t miss any news from/ about us if you visit this website regularly. We appreciate every feedback here or on facebook and if there is anything you’re missing here, tell us via e-mail or facebook message. Now have fun exploring these pages!